
Photo & Flower Bouquet Frame {FREE MINI BOUQUET DEAL]


 This month recieve a FREE mini Bouquet with every Photo &  Flower Bouquet Frame you buy. Ends 30 April 2024

The Photo & Dried Flower Frame is one of our best sellers, and for good reason!
It is the perfect way to display that precious photo memory and add a touch of boho with our specially curated dried flower arrangement. Available in a variety of sizes, simply upload a photo file for us to print (or we can send it empty if you already have one), and then select your preferred dried flower choice... or leave it up to us if you wish. This is a statement piece that is as whimsical as it is timeless.
Beautiful keepsake gifts for weddings, anniversaries, birthdays and more. Afterpay available.

1. Choose a frame size
2. Choose a flower bouquet for front of frame
3. Send us a print or slip one in when frame arrives

Frame sizes

6x4inch [thickness 40mm]

5x7inch [thickness 40mm]

6x8inch [thickness 40mm]

8x10 inch [thickness 40mm]

10x10 inch [thickness 50mm]